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Thanks for stopping by!

My name is Michelle and I want to let you know a little about me and perhaps we can begin a journey together to sell, find, or design your perfect dream home.

I was born and raised in Grand Rapids and have chosen to stay because I love our amazing city. When I'm not helping my clients achieve their Real Estate goals, I am likely spending time with family, especially my precious Granddaughter! I am one of the blessed few whose hobby is also their profession! Other hobbies are exercise, golf, boating and travel.


I started building homes when I was 20 and quickly fell in love with the industry. I've always admired every aspect from architecture, design, construction and furnishing. All of that, plus my personal interest in aesthetics and interior design, brought me to the world of Real Estate.


One of my favorite experiences when helping someone find a home is creating a vision of what "home" really means. Whatever home means to you, my goal is to help you achieve it. I offer the eye of a Builder, Designer and Agent, all in one, so if you would like to chat or grab a cup of coffee, please reach out! I would love to hear from you.


-Until Next Time,



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